17 signs why you are secretly an introvert


woman walking on gray sand
Photo by Sandra Seitamaa on Unsplash

Although the word "introvert" paints the picture of a person who stays at a remote corner of a party or any social gathering, that's not always the case. Introverts are extremely gifted at camouflaging themselves as extroverts. But this usually occurs at a period of their lives when they are confused about why they feel the way they feel. And because of this, introverts try to blend in and act like extroverts. Most people won't even recognize the difference. But on the inside, these introverts are probably having a war with their conscience. Then what is an introverted person like?

Most introverts go through a large part of their life without accepting they are introverted. For some introverts, this might not be that big of a deal, as their level of introversion might be significantly small. For them it might just be a slight discomfort being in an overly stimulating environment. But in some other cases, it is not that simple. These introverts think that something is wrong with them as they do not enjoy most things that people usually seem to enjoy. This situation creates doubt and low self-esteem in them.

But is introversion a bad thing? It certainly is not. There is nothing wrong with being an introvert, but on the contrary, there are numerous reasons to count yourself lucky for being an introvert.

Now you might be wondering, how can you know if you are an introvert? Fear not, there are some signs that almost all introverts have in common.

1. You feel lonely being in a crowd.

As absurd as it sounds, an introvert can surely relate to this feeling. Being in a crowd is not an enjoyable feeling for any introvert out there. Chances are that they did not come there voluntarily in the first place.

2. You feel like an old soul.

This is a thing we here most introverts confess. They feel like an old soul while being with people their age. This feeling stems from the fact that most introverts realize, they are not intrigued by the things most people their age are into. Like going to parties, having a really big social media following, things like that. On the contrary, they feel must more content being at home reading their favorite book or listening to music.

3. You feel like you are leading a double life.

This is a depressing feeling that most introverts have while they don't realize they are introverts. During this period of their life, the effort they take to blend in and pretend to have fun, only adds to the feeling of leading a double life. They feel like they need to put on a mask while going out, just to feel like they belong. But as they realize why they are different, this feeling will surely fade away.

4. You feel uncomfortable at the mere thought of small talk.

Another one of the defining traits of an introvert is their reluctance to engage in small talk. The reason for this is could be the fact that small talk is usually shallow and doesn't offer any value to a conversation. While small is considered a social norm, introverts tend to avoid it at any cost.

5. You are good at connecting dots.

What I meant to say is, introverts are good at seeing the bigger picture in situations. This is considered one of the greatest advantages of being an introvert.

6. People misunderstand your introvert nature for rudeness.

People usually mistake your introvert nature for rudeness. This is a common thing and I have heard thousands of introverts saying the same thing. But know that it is no one's fault. Even the person who mistook our nature has a reason. We humans as social animals tend to evaluate another person before approaching them. Sometimes these assumptions are based on the vibe they receive from others. And the vibe they receive from an introvert at a social gathering most likely won't be a nice one.

7. You often have conversations with your inner voice.

As a person who spends most of their life inside their heads, it is no wonder introverts have an inner voice. Introverts mostly rehearse what they are about to say in the mind first.

8. You understand another person's point of view.

This is really an underrated characteristic of an introvert. While this doesn't mean introverts agree with everything other people are saying, they understand the reason why others are saying it.

9. You are good at reading others.

Introverts are natural psychologists. They are good at reading other people from their behavior. One of the reasons why introverts excel at reading other people is due to the fact that introverts spend most of their time, listening and observing. This allows them to pick up details that most people miss and join these pieces to create a clear picture of the other person.

10. You have a really small but close friend circle.

While introverts are not the best at keeping a wide friend circle, they sure do value deep meaningful relationships. This nicely refined friend circle means the world to you.

11. You are probably a cat person.

While this is not a sure-fire way of spotting an introvert, it is safe to assume that most introverts are cat lovers. As cats are one of the most introverted pet animals out there, it is of no wonder that an introvert would be drawn to one.

12. You have a really good imagination.

Some of the greatest artists of all time were mostly introverts. While I cannot say that all artists are introverts, what I can say is that most of them are. An introvert's love for solitude combined with their strong focus can give birth to the most wonderful of imaginary worlds. A clear example of this would be J.K Rowling, author of the much loved Harry Potter novels. She is an introvert, and one of the most successful writers of our time.

13. You prefer texting over a phone conversation.

This is one of the best ways to spot an introvert, as introverts are widely popular for their dislike for phone conversations. While they are not fond of phone conversations, introverts are happy with text messages, as this gives them more independence.

14. People usually mistake your introversion for shyness.

This is another annoying thing all introverts face. People just assume introverts are shy as they don't like talking as much as the extroverts out there. And to add to this, they are advised to step out of their comfort zone and become more social often.

15. You find reasons to stay at home.

There is no doubt that introverts prefer staying at home rather than going out. Some introverts will even make up excuses just to stay at home.

16.You probably have an extrovert partner.

Introverts usually find the best partner in an extrovert. This somewhat balances the equation.

17. You hate working in groups.

Group assignments are another nightmare that keeps introverts up at night. While being in groups introverts find it hard to voice their opinion. There are things which introverts can do to resolve this-Read how to work in a group as an introvert.

These are some of the best ways to spot an introvert. If you relate to the above-said things, congratulations, you are an introvert. Tell us what you think are the best ways to spot an introvert in the comments.

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