Why introverts find it hard to work in groups, and how to overcome this difficulty.

A group of friends at a coffee shop
Photo by Brooke Cagle on Unsplash

To fully understand the reason behind this issue, we need to look deeper into how groups usually work.

Groups are meant to be a pack of people joining together to accomplish a common goal, or for taking decisions while giving all the members the same priority. But is that how groups work in the real world? Most people might think like this, but the sad fact is that its not entirely true. It is true that every member can influence the outcome while making decisions in a group, but according to studies more priority will always be given to the members with an increased appeal, or in simple terms the alpha. While most people might not accept this fact, this is true in most cases.

It is not something the members of the group are aware of, it happens on a subconscious level, and thus we don’t have control over this practice. This is the real reason why introverts find it hard to work in groups. One of the defining traits of an introvert is their independent mindset. Being in a situation where they have no control over is not something that an introvert can accept.

But this doesn’t mean that an introvert can’t work in a group, they just have to learn how. Instead of running away from being in a group, why not change the way you approach the situation. Remember that any problem can be solved, if we realize the existence of the problem. Now that we know what the problem is, it is half solved. Next time you become part of a group, believe in what you are about to say, and then express your opinion as confident as you can. In that way, your opinion will be given more priority and you will feel more accepted.

In the future when someone invites you to a group, don’t hesitate. Know that you are valuable to the group and your opinion matters. Over time, you will even forget that you had an issue with being in groups. Hope this helped. Tell us how you feel working in groups as an introvert. 

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Rosh said…
Great article! I definitely relate coz I'm a true introvert and struggle to work in groups.
Naayif said…
This is an issue that is faced by almost all introverts out there. This can easily be solved once you know the root of your issue.