4 Reasons why you should have atleast one introvert friend

row of four men sitting on mountain trail
Photo by Matheus Ferrero on Unsplash

A good friend is someone who knows your best and worst qualities but still loves you. In a world where everything including relationships is superficial, it is really hard to form a meaningful bond with someone. 

Having a good friend is a great thing, but having an introvert best friend might have an extra set of advantages. And don't take "advantages" the wrong way. Friendship is not about having advantages as we all know. But what this article is aiming for is to create a sense of realization on how valuable your introvert friends are.

  1. They do not form superficial bonds with people: If your friend is an introvert and he/she is had been with you for a while, so no more they consider you as their good friend. One of the defining characters of introverts is that, if you are not a person they are interested in, you won't be a part of their life. Introverts are very selective about the people they let in. So if you are inside their circle, you made a companion for life.
  2. Introverts are good listeners: Even though introverts are not big talkers, they are good listeners, and having someone to listen to is an underrated pleasure.
  3. You can count on them: It is true that introverts are not the best at keeping in constant touch or being the best party buddy, but when you really need them to be there for you. You can count on them.
  4. Their opinions are sincere: An introvert's mind is not hardwired to please the opposing person. They say what is on their mind. They do care about your feelings but that doesn't stop them from saying what is true. That is something even a good friend sometimes fails to do.

And as they bring all this to the table. You can, in turn, love them for who they are. Don't exactly know how to care for your introvert friends? Don't worry, refer to our article How to care for your introvert friends. Do you feel lucky to have an introvert best friend? Let us know in the comments.

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Nafmy Fakhira said…
Always need introvert friend, one in a million!