How to care for your introvert friend

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Photo by Simon Maage on Unsplash

If you are an extrovert and you have a close introvert natured friend, there are some things you need to understand. Knowing these things will surely improve your relationship with that person.

1. Understand what an introvert actually is:  Knowing your friend's nature and the reasons as to why they are that way is a must-know for a good friend. It is a popular misconception that introverts are antisocial. But the truth is, they are just selective about who they socialize with. If they see you as a friend, know that you are special to them.

2. Don't force them to socialize: In some instances, you might want your introvert friends to become more social and to have more friends. In such situations, introverts are forced to interact with lots of people. Which isn't exactly their cup of tea. This creates a great deal of stress in them, which will eventually affect your relationship with them. So love them for who they are, and don't force them into uncomfortable situations.

3. Talk to them only in matters you care about: Introverts are not known to be the talkative type. But that is because most people want to engage with them in small talk. Small talk is not very comfortable to introverts so they tend to avoid such situations. Try talking about things that you both genuinely care about and you will find a whole different level in them.

4. Text instead of calling: I know this might seem silly. But trust me, they would love a friend who texts instead of calling, since most introverts are uncomfortable with phone conversations.

5.  Don't intrude their personal space: This is the most important thing you have to look out for. If they say they want to be left alone, take their word for it. Don't make the mistake of thinking of it as a cry for attention like some people do. It is just that introverts need some time to recharge after draining activities for them, like socializing. Just leave them be for a while, and you will back your recharged happy friend.

There is no universal answer to how to care for your introvert friend. Each person is different and has different needs in a friendship. The above-mentioned tips are what I have to offer from the collective opinions of all introverts from the community. I hope it helps. And if you have any more suggestions, do let us know in the suggestions.

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