How to survive the Covid-19 pandemic as an introvert

man in black t-shirt and blue shorts sitting on brown wooden pole during daytime
Photo by Kate Trifo on Unsplash

The Covid-19 pandemic had without a doubt, affected and changed the lifestyle of millions of people around the globe. Even though this lockdown might seem like a comfortable situation for introverts, considering they like to be left alone by nature, there is another side to it.
Like everything else, too much of nothing is good for us. Solitude is no exception. One of the defining characteristics of an introvert is their habit of overthinking. This habit indeed helps introverts to see the bigger picture in situations. But the downside is that it results in creating a great deal of stress in that person. Being an introvert, it is not easy to stop overthinking. But a way to get around this is to engage in activities that could occupy your mind. Things like learning new skills or reading a new book can help to deal with anxiety to a great extent.
Not only will this reduce your stress, but it will also prove to be very productive as you are learning a wide variety of new information. This could be the most productive and safe way for an introvert to spend this lockdown.
Times like this are hard to face. But seeing the bright side in these stressful circumstances can go a long way. This could be the perfect opportunity to reinvent yourself. So instead of stressing over things that are not in your control, embrace the bright side and stay calm. And do let us know in the comments what you do to cope with the pandemic situation.

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Noah said…
I urge all introverts to read this article. As an introvert most people think introverts are having the best time of their lives. But that is not the case of all introverts out there. Some of us are literally trapped with other people all day. Atleast during normal times, they used to go out, so I had more time to myself. But now I can't do any of the normal stuff I used to do. This lockdown sucks. I am happy people are posting content like this to help out us introverts in this tough times. You posts could be a bit longer though, really enjoyed reading it. Please add more in depth content.